We want to hear from you

Tell us what you think.

We welcomed general comments as well as reactions to the DRAFT Chairman's Mark. The comment period closed on May 31.
View All Comments
Written Statements
We invited individuals and organizations to submit formal statements for the public record. The comment period closed on May 31.
View Statements
Town Halls
In November 2023, we held an in-person town hall. Check back for information about future town halls that may be scheduled.
Written submissions to the Commission are public documents.

We post materials to our website in the interests of transparency, but we reserve the right to exclude any submissions for a legitimate reason under D.C. FOIA. For example, we are not posting submissions entirely unrelated to the work of the Tax Revision Commission as provided by the statute (D.C. Official Code § 2-536(a)(5)); however, all submissions are subject to the provisions of the D.C. FOIA and will be available.

Participation FAQs

Can I attend regular TRC meetings?

Yes. All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings in person or virtually.

What software do I need to join a meeting virtually?

WebEx. It should work in your browser. You can also download the WebEx software.

Can I make comments during regular TRC meetings?

Members of the public can watch, but not comment.  We invite public comment and testimony during scheduled public input sessions or via online submissions.

Will my submitted comments be on-the-record?

Yes. All submitted comments and written statements must be public and will be displayed on this website.

How can I learn about upcoming Commission meetings?

Check back on this site's homepage, which will always show the immediate upcoming meeting. Or signup for email updates below.

If I have a logistical question, who do I contact?

Fill out the form on the "Contact" page and someone on the TRC staff will get back to you. Your logistical question will not be made public.

§ 47–462. Tax Revision Commission — Established; submission of recommendations. | D.C. Law Library